Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I have a really bad habit!

I tell people EXACTLY what I think of their behavior these days.

"There is absolutely no reason to be THAT rude." I said to someone today.

Yesterday I think I said something similar to the same person.

My opinions of someone are carried through my speech and they are brutally honest.

Yesterday I realized this was an issue I should begin to work on. Maybe I should be a better liar. Even if I try to lie, my face gives me away...either that or I start giggling. I am a terrible liar. I have no idea how to control myself and my comments.

Some are appreciative of my honesty. I will be the first person to tell you that you have something on your face, in your teeth, or toilet paper stuck to your ass.

In fact, I recently told someone in the elevator that it was her time of the month and it was all over her butt. Talk about EMBARRASSING. I debated saying anything that time, but there was NO WAY I was going to let this girl walk around that way.

Even more than objective things that you notice that might be on someone, I am famous for telling people EXACTLY what I think of them, positive or negative.

It can not be changed.

I have debated even deciding to break this habit into "constructive criticism" before I realized that assholes should learn that they suck and should change. I tell them this.

Telling someone how RUDE they are today was my feeling of accomplishment. I could walk around all day with my head held high knowing that I am a NICE girl and that people like me. (I don't know if people like me because I am really weird and weird girls are in style right now or if people think that I am cool because I am just that cool).

However, even though I know it is not socially acceptable to call certain people assholes and mean it, I don't think I will ever change. Maybe I could stand to develop a little more tact. Maybe it is the mental health professional within me causing me to redirect EVERYONE. Or maybe, I am perfect the way I am and you should never expect anything but the truth from me when I tell you how I feel about you.

Compliment or insult? Up to you to decide!

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